Blyth Resource and Initiative Centre
BRIC is an unemployed people’s centre that provides a wide range of services and opportunities aimed towards alleviating experiences of low income and unemployment amongst local (South East Northumberland) people.
Established in 1983, BRIC has worked closely with local people for 30 years supporting them through the difficult experience of unemployment by raising their confidence and skills in support of their return to education, into training or back to work.
Through on-going service reviews and evaluations BRIC has worked to ensure and affect services that remain relevant and of value to our clients.
Opening Times: M:Closed T:09:30–16:00 W:13:00–16:00 T:09:30–16:00 F:13:00 – 15:30 Partners/Organisations who we Support:
Northumberland College
10 self run interest groups based at BRIC
Sunderland College
Workers Education Association (WEA)
Northumberland Fire Brigade Union
Surestart, Centrel & West
Wansbeck CVS
Northumberland Adult learning Services (NALS)
Other Info: BRIC’s services fall into five main areas: Education – Our education programme caters for all ages and abilities providing accredited, non-accredited and vocational courses in a wide variety of subjects including: Basic IT, Award Using ICT, ECDL, progression courses in IT, Health & Social Care, Customer Service, Maths, English, Online Services, Money Management, Sports Coaching, History, Interpersonal Skills, Minute Taking, Food Hygiene, French, Spanish, Archaeology, Art, Chinese Flower & Bird Painting, Genealogy, Digital Photography, Paediatric First Aid and more. BRIC also provides education in 11 outreach venues throughout South East Northumberland that enables people to receive the same opportunities on their doorsteps, in places known to them and where they feel safe.
Employment Support – Our employment service covers all aspects of employability, including; CV preparation and updating, online and paper based job applications, job search, interview techniques, work etiquette, timekeeping, presentation, employment sustainability, cover letters and Universal Jobmatch. Our service offers a more bespoke and holistic approach to supporting individuals from all backgrounds and so we not only provide assistance finding employment, but also address social issues that prevent people entering employment, education or training.
Volunteering Opportunities – As well as supporting people to find employment, we offer work experience and volunteering opportunities in our office in administration, IT, teaching and classroom assistance, promotion and marketing and gardening at our two allotment sites. Volunteers are the lifeline of the Centre and they are encouraged to get as much as they can from their time at BRIC. They gain confidence, skills, are encouraged to participate in additional training to benefit their progression, to improve their CVs and employment prospects. Groups – We actively support 10 self-run interest groups that meet regularly at the Centre including: two writing groups, three photography groups, a calligraphy group, craft group, genealogy group, Disabled Friends (a group of people suffering from Parkinson’s disease and their friends/carers) and a poetry group. Drop In – BRIC offers a supported drop in facility to enable people to utilise the Centre’s facilities - telephone, fax machine, photocopier and computers. Disabled access, lift to 1st floor and disabled toilets both floors.
Volunteering Opportunities – As well as supporting people to find employment, we offer work experience and volunteering opportunities in our office in administration, IT, teaching and classroom assistance, promotion and marketing and gardening at our two allotment sites. Volunteers are the lifeline of the Centre and they are encouraged to get as much as they can from their time at BRIC. They gain confidence, skills, are encouraged to participate in additional training to benefit their progression, to improve their CVs and employment prospects. Groups – We actively support 10 self-run interest groups that meet regularly at the Centre including: two writing groups, three photography groups, a calligraphy group, craft group, genealogy group, Disabled Friends (a group of people suffering from Parkinson’s disease and their friends/carers) and a poetry group. Drop In – BRIC offers a supported drop in facility to enable people to utilise the Centre’s facilities - telephone, fax machine, photocopier and computers.
Contact Details
Blyth Resource and Initiative Centre
Room 118
, Blyth Community Enterprise Centre
Ridley Street
NE24 3AG
Telephone: 01670 542845