Welcome to the Community View section of the website. This area is dedicated to articles of interest, community information and local topics that are submitted by members of the public or guest writers. It is also the main section dedicated to the Youth Media Group Project.

This is a graph showing the total recorded crime in Blyth civil parish between 2011 and 2015. The data is compared with nearby Ashington, which is a similar urban environment and a similar population size.
Around half of the reported crime is labelled anti-social behaviour...
This is the same data for Blyth indicating crime trends by month of the year...
This is the data for certain types of crime. The trend for Criminal Damage/Arson type crimes is around 60 reported per month. Drug offences are between 2 - 15 per month
For an interactive map of Crime Statistics in the Blyth area visit this link... https://www.police.uk/northumbria/F3/crime/